[GLIMS] IUGG Abstract submission deadline approaching

Frank Paul frank.paul at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Jan 27 03:51:53 MST 2015

Dear colleagues

Please apologize for cross-posting!

The Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI), the first globally complete dataset of glacier outlines including various attributes, has been used widely in recent years, in particular for numerous global modelling studies with relevance to IPCC AR5. By bringing together RGI users and producers we aim at identifying the most effective way forward in developing the dataset, and solicit presentations both on how the dataset can be improved and how it can be analyzed, as well as studies using the RGI for glacier modeling or any other purposes. We also encourage contributions aimed at developing the synergy between the RGI, which is a snapshot, and the multitemporal GLIMS database, and at facilitating the eventual merger of the two collections of glacier outlines.
C01 "GLIMS and the Randolph Glacier Inventory: where do we go from here?", with keynotes by Jeff Kargel (Tuscon, USA) and Matthias Huss (Zurich, Switzerland).
The Abstract submission deadline is 31 JANUARY 2015. Further information can be found here: http://www.iugg2015prague.com/iacs-symposia.htm.
We are looking forward to your contribution and meeting you in Prague.
With kind regards on behalf of the convener team, Frank Paul

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