An important request to all RCs-- references

Jeff Kargel jkargel1054 at
Mon Jan 8 19:17:06 MST 2007

Dear GLIMS colleagues,

I have a request from Mike Abrams to submit complete references of key
ASTER-related papers.  These should be peer-reviewed papers that make major
use of or reference to ASTER.  These can be since the launch of ASTER (or
even before).  These are for the purpose of justifying the continued
operation of ASTER and the Terra spacecraft; it is really important.  We
will also finally put together a more complete bibliography of
ASTER/GLIMS-related papers on the GLIMS website, too.

Would you please send references that you think help make the case for
operating ASTER?

You may send other GLIMS-related paper references that do not make
significant use of ASTER,  and those which make use of ASTER but are in the
category of "gray literature" (not peer reviewed), and abstracts, but please
put them into a different list and identify them as such.  We'll post those
bibliographic entries in the website, too, but they are not for the
immediate needs for justifying ASTER.



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