From Jack Shroder-- Fall AGU dinner

Jeff Kargel jkargel1054 at
Thu Nov 23 16:48:11 MST 2006

Dear GLIMS colleagues,

This message is from Jack Shroder.  I shall gladly be in attendance and hope
to see many of you there.

--Jeff Kargel

>From Jack:

Jeff Kargel is frantically busy (a little more than usual) so he asked me

to set up a GLIMS  dinner at AGU if anyone was interested.  Fortunately my

most excellent wife, Susie Nye, is willing and able to set up and get good

reservations at a not-to-expensive restaurant close by to the Renaissance

Hotel where we are staying.  So if you will all meet us in the lobby lounge

of the Renaissance on Wednesday 13 December, that is what we will plan

unless someone needs a time change.  Please RSVP as soon as possible so

that we know you and perhaps your significant other are coming and Susie

can get space for us.

Thanx much.

Jack Shroder

John (Jack) Shroder
Department of Geography & Geology
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE  68182
(402) 554-2770 Phone
(402) 554-3518 Fax

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