GLIMS Update: Meetings: Mini at Fall AGU, Maxi in Cambridge

Jeff Kargel jkargel1054 at
Wed Nov 2 21:02:33 MST 2005

Dear all,

Sorry for so many GLIMS Updates.  Honestly, the traffic will resume a
quieter pace soon.  Besides the New Zealand major workshop in Feb. 2006
(don't forget abstract and registration, due date in 4 weeks!), we are
planning at least two additional meeting venues:

1. GLIMS miniworkshop in association with Fall AGU in San Francisco.
This would be about a 3-4-hour evening session with pizza, beer, and soft
drinks, date to be announced.  The GLIMS book will be a major point of
discussion, as will--I hope-- the GLACE II round-robin experiment.     My
questions: (1) your suggestion of specific venue (we need a room where we
can eat pizza and drink beer and do powerpoint presentations). (2)
Likelihood of your attendance.  (3) Do you want to make a few-minute
presentation, or raise a major issue for detailed discussion?  (But let's
not just rehash Fall AGU talks). (4) Do you have suggested dates or no-go
evenings just before or during the AGU week?

2. GLIMS "major?" workshop associated with a IGS Symposium in Cambridge in
August 2006.  Probably 2 days.  Looking for a local sponsor (little or no
cost, just effort); and looking for an indication of interest from GLIMS and
non-GLIMS people.  Do people have preferred dates, probably before or
following the IGS meeting.  I would like this meeting to include a major
science and a major technology component, as other major GLIMS workshops
have.  We have done very well, increasingly well, with hands-on tech
demos/training and work exercises, and we ought to continue this tradition.

--Jeff Kargel

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