GLIMS Update: Website overhaul

Jeffrey S Kargel jkargel at
Tue Jun 3 14:47:48 MDT 2003

Dear GLIMS colleagues,

The GLIMS website will be overhauled, with a completely new look and
greatly expanded content in place by mid July.   Please offer any specific
suggestions to me, including additions, deletions, revisions, and
overhauled website organization/architecture.   The idea will be for this
site to serve as an improved resource for you to use.

Among much other new content, I would like to include a forum for public
access (but with restricted legal use) of GLIMS-related papers and your
powerpoint presentations, and links to your website.  Ideally, the GLIMS
Coordination Center website and your GLIMS site will be mutually hot
linkable, with a smooth transition between sites, and a means for easy
return to the original site of entry from any page on the new site.  (i.e.,
a user should be able to return to the GLIMS Coordination Center site from
any page on your site; and vice versa).  This might require some design
work at your end, but we will incorporate this capability right from the
start at my end if we can have your site's URL.

If you feel comfortable with providing public access to your powerpoint
presentations and papers, there are two ways to do it:  You provide a URL
where the presentation/paper can be accessed (with the presentation/paper
physically stored on your computer/server), or you can send your
presentation/paper to me, and we will post it along with a brief title
page/abstract with full attribution to you and your institution, including
contact information.  I would then need from you an email with:  (a) the
title and presenter's name, the place and date it was first presented,
contact information, and a brief abstract (one to three sentences); and (b)
a letter of release.  For powerpoint presentations, the letter of release
can be phrased:

   "Dear Jeff,

   I agree that you can post my powerpoint presentation/s
   ('TITLE/S HERE') on the official GLIMS website for the GLIMS
   Coordination Center.  I understand that  the public will have access
   to this presentation and may view it and use it for fair educational
   use (with appropriate attribution to original source), such as in
   classroom settings and public lectures.  I expressly forbid the use of
   this material for republication (internet or paper or any other
   publications)  without my explicit written consent, and under no
   circumstances may this material be used for any profitable activity
   without my explicit written consent."

If this is agreeable to you, or if you wish to offer alternative
restrictions on fair use, please provide me with this information (by
email) and place your powerpoint presentations (if I do not have it
already) on our anonymous ftp site or submit by CD-ROM.  Access to ftp
   Username: anonymous
   Password: your email address

You will be given a 2-week period of password-protected acess to a draft of
the revamped website before it is finalized.  That 2-week period will begin
in about a month.


Jeff K
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Energy conservation isn't just "green" and future-oriented, it's for
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Dr. Jeffrey S. Kargel
U.S. Geological Survey
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Telephone (+1) (928) 556-7034
Fax (+1) (928) 556-7014
Email: jkargel at
Home email: jkargel at
Home phone: (+1)(928) 527-4196

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