Landsat 7 archive now online

Rick Wessels rwessels at
Thu Sep 12 18:05:25 MDT 2002

Dear GLIMS colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that much of the Landsat 7 ETM+ data that the Regional Centers ordered is now available online.  John Dwyer and others at the EROS Data Center (EDC) have constructed an anonymous ftp site with Landsat data sorted into directories for each regional center.  We will have almost 150 scenes online.

The FTP data directories contain ETM+ data and browse images.  The general structure is an over-arching GLIMS directory, under which exists a subdirectory for each RC.  Under the RC subdirectories are an ASTER and a Landsat7 subdirectory.  We're populating the Landsat7 subdirectory with each band as a separate file that has been Gzip-compressed.  There is a Readme file, and a browse
image, for each scene.  All of the scenes are in Geotiff format.

To access the data:

1.  ftp  
   (or   using internet explorer)
2.  User=anonymous, Password=Your_email_address
3. cd /orders/glims
4. ls (to list the Regional Center subdirectories)
5.  cd RC__  (to the RC of interest)
6.  cd Landsat7
7. binary (set to binary for transfer)

Please contact John Dwyer (dwyer at Rick Wessels (rwessels at if you have any problems accessing the data.  

I've included a list of regional center numbers below:

RC    Location                                
--    ----------------------------------------  
1     Greenland                                 
2     Scandanavia                               
3     Arctic Canada                             
4     Alaska                                    
5     W. USA                                    
6     W. Antarctica                             
8     Chinese Himalaya                          
9     New Zealand                               
10    Southwestern Asia (Pakistan-Afganistan)   
11    European Alps                             
12    Himalaya (India-Nepal-Bhutan)             
13    Peru and Africa                           
13    Peru and Africa                           
14    East Antarctica betw 45 and 160 deg+Hear  
15    Southern Ocean Islands                    
16    Russian Glaciers (exact bounds of RC TBD) 
17    Russian & former Soviet Union(Tajik-Uzbek 
18    Antarctic Pennisula                       
19    Svalbard-Jan Mayen-Bouvet                 
20    Chile-Argentina-S. Bolivia                
21    Mexico                                    
22    Iceland                                   
23    Western Canada                            
24    S. of Antarctic Peninsula                 
25    Irian Jaya   

Rick Wessels                rwessels at
U.S. Geological Survey  Phone(928)-556-7022 
2255 N. Gemini Drive     FAX          -7014      
Flagstaff, AZ 86001        


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