GLIMS working group on Algorithms

Andreas Kaeaeb kaeaeb at
Tue Oct 3 14:10:16 MDT 2000

Dear colleagues

Although some processing problems at the ASTER data center (provisionally fixed 
by the USGS team in Flagstaff), suitable ASTER glacier images come closer (cf. 
e-mail of Jeff Kargel of 08/03/2000). In addition, I'm presently at the USGS 
Flagstaff as a visiting scientist. It seemed to me that both together could be a 
good point to do some first steps within the GLIMS working group on algorithm 
development with respect to glacier boundary- and motion detection.

As a reminder the draft WG goal:  identify practical algorithms for mapping the 
boundaries, boundary displacement, and surface motion of land ice from satellite
observations.  Develop distributable software packages (possibly including
use of affordable commercial software) implementing the most successful
algorithms. Two sub-groups are suggested, one on 'edge locations of land ice by 
satellite optical imaging', the other on 'image comparison and ice-motion 
measurement by optical sensors'. 

According to Jeff Kargel (03/24/2000) we could start as follows

 1. Establish membership: If you know other colleagues who could be willing to 
help within the WG, please contact them and/or send me a note. Bruce Raup (or I) 
can provide information how to subscribe to the algorithm mailing list. By the 
way: Are you willing to join the WG?
 2. Establish leader and major roles/interest: As soon as we are a more complete 
forum we could discuss these points. 
 3. Establish modus operandi and mailing list: Not a difficult issue. The 
mailing list exists already thanks to Bruce Raup.
 4. Establish a charter and specific goals: Here we will certainly need a 
intensive discussion, including perhaps already the sub-group question. 
Please provide information on 1. 

Thanks for your help. Lets hope (and work!) for a succesful working group! 

Andi Kaeaeb


Andreas Kaeaeb                 

Department of Geography                    Room:   25 K 84
Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics Group     Phone:  ++41 (0)1 63 5 5146
University of Zurich-Irchel                Fax:    ++41 (0)1 63 5 6848
Winterthurerstrasse 190                    e-mail: kaeaeb at
CH - 8057 Zurich                 


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