[GLIMS] Downloading GLIMS data

Bruce RAUP braup at nsidc.org
Tue Mar 2 16:54:22 MST 2021

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well.

Perhaps as a remedy to COVID lockdown-caused insanity, someone has been
attempting to download data as ZIP files from GLIMS today -- lots and lots
of them.  There are hundreds of repeated connections that are loading up
our server, and stopping partway through.

It's a strange traffic pattern, so while we think it's a half-baked attempt
at a Denial of Service attack, it could also be a legitimate (and
half-baked) attempt to download all GLIMS data quickly.  Either way, it's
not having the intended effect.

Our systems guy put a temporary block on that person's IP address.  If, by
chance, this is a real attempt to download GLIMS data, and if it's you,
please let me know and I'll help you figure out how to do it better.

One hint:  when using the map interface to download data (with the
"Download GLIMS data in current view" button), the more glaciers in the
view, the longer it will take, and the more your patience will be taxed.
But rather than starting another download in another tab on the theory that
"it will work in this tab, for sure!", just relax and get another coffee,
or beer, and wait a bit longer.

Best regards,

Bruce H. RAUP
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado
449 UCB,  Boulder, CO 80309
Phone:  303-492-8814
GLIMS:  www.glims.org

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