GLIMS Update: Ad hoc discussion and dinner, Thursday 6:30 PM

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at
Wed Dec 16 13:44:50 MST 2009

Dear all,
Sorry for this general posting, but I don't want to miss any possible GLIMS participants.  
There will be a GLIMS dinner and discussion tomorrow at 6:30 PM at the Amber India restaurant in San Francisco, close to the Moscone Center.  I have reserved a table for ten (can be expanded) in a quiet side room, 6:30-9:30.  There will be other people dining in that room, but noise should be at a level low enough to have our discussions.  I tested the restaurant yesterday, and it's a slightly up-scale Indian restaurant, but some items are quite different from your usual Indian food.  There is a vegetarian selection.
Location:25 Yerba Buena Lane
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 777-0500
It's located on the northeast side of the Marriott building (the Marriott near Moscone Center), but it's not part of the hotel.  Just a few tens of meters south of Market, on Yerba Buena, between 3rd and 4th St. 
The restaurant tends to be busy, so if you think you may be the eleventh or 10 + nth person, best to let me know so that we can be sure there's seating space for you.
We can discuss whatever matters arise, but I hope part of the discussion will be about the GLIMS/glaciology community's relations with the media and how we can get the stories across in a way that is accurate and does maximum service to the public.  If we meet for the full duration until 9:30, hopefully enough people will keep the servers and restaurant busy enough to make  it worth us occupying that much space for so long.  
--Jeff Kargel 		 	   		  
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