Search & Order

When you choose a particular collection, the remaining fields automatically change to values relevant to that collection.

Define Your Search
Search by Digital File ID or GLIMS ID

Large result sets are displayed on multiple pages. See the bottom of the results table to navigate to another page.
Triangles in the table headings allow sorting by different fields, except for repeat-photography searches.
The "Other Glaciers" field shows glaciers other than the main one that are in the photograph.

Search Results
Your search results are displayed below. Please select the images or other
materials you would like to order, or change your search by toggling
"Define Your Search" above.
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Select All | Click on the image for more information |
Glacier Name (Other Glaciers) |
Photographer Name |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Spatial Coverage |
Digital File ID Photograph Number GLIMS Glacier ID |