Programs Developed for the TOVS Path-P Daily Data

List of available files

The following program files are available for download via HTTPS, along with the TOVS Pathfinder Path-P Daily and Monthly Polar Gridded Atmospheric Parameters data files, in the /tools/ directory.


File descriptions

c_sample.cA sample program written in C that shows how to access the data using a C program. This program illustrates how to use the functions {c,f}readpathP.{c,f}. Instead of writing the data out in binary format, the user may pass the data to another processing routine thereby avoiding the need to make copies of the HDF formatted data set.
fortran_sample.fA sample program written in Fortran that shows how to access the data using a Fortran program.
creadpathP_sample.cA function written in C that returns the data contained in the HDF file.
freadpathP_sample.fA function written in Fortran that returns the data contained in the HDF file.

Programs for reading Path-P ancillary data file (paths_ancil.hdf)

c_ancil.cA program written in C that shows how to access the ancillary data using a C program. This program illustrates how to use the functions {c,f}readpathP.{c,f}. Instead of writing the data out in binary, format the user may pass the data to another processing routine, thereby avoiding the need of making copies of the HDF formatted data set.
fortran_ancil.fA program written in Fortran that shows how to access the ancillary data using a Fortran program.
creadpathP_ancil.cA function written in C that returns the data contained in the HDF file.
freadpathP_ancil.fA function written in Fortran that returns the data contained in the HDF file.


Instructions for compiling programs

  • Edit the Makefile. Look for the switches for your architecture/operating system.
  • Check for Comments in the *.f source file. Some compilers define record lengths in either bytes or longwords. You may have to modify the source accordingly.


  • HDF libraries (version 3.3 or higher)
  • Ansi-C compatible C compiler if compiling C programs
  • Fortran 77 complier for Fortran programs