[GLIMS] ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 (13.–17. May 2019, Milano, Italy)

Frank Paul frank.paul at geo.uzh.ch
Wed Oct 10 11:18:28 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues

It is our pleasure inviting you to submit an abstract to our session:

“A2.04 Glaciers and ice caps in a warming world: Improved understanding of changes from recent satellite data”

to be held at the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 from 13.-17.5. 2019 in Milan, Italy (https://lps19.esa.int). A session description can be found below. Please note, the deadline for submitting abstracts is already on 11 November 2018, the fee for each abstract is €25, and the registration fee for the conference is €50 (€25 for students). Apart from glaciers, the LPS 2019 has dedicated sessions on permafrost, snow, ice sheets, sea ice, polar regions and many other topics (see =>Authors =>session description). We hope seeing you there!

Your convenors Anna Maria Trofaier, Frank Paul, and Andreas Kääb

We apologize for cross-posting!

Description of session A2.04:
The currently freely available satellite (e.g. Landsat 8, Sentinel 1 / 2) and elevation data (e.g. Arctic DEM, TanDEM-X, Cryosat-2) have substantially increased our capabilities to observe glaciers and ice caps and their changes at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. We can precisely follow changes in glacier extent, elevation and flow velocities (among others), leading to an improved understanding of the driving physical processes (e.g. for surging glaciers). This allows us to model and anticipate the response of glaciers to ongoing and expected future climate change with higher certainty.

This session welcomes contributions that utilize latest satellite and elevation data to reveal glacier processes and changes globally. This includes observation of long-term trends from the entire satellite archive back to the earliest reconnaissance imagery (Keyhole mission) and the impacts changing glaciers have on the environment (e.g. hazards, run-off, sea-level change). We also invite studies linking the current capabilities to requirements for future satellite missions and new data processing techniques that explore the full potential of the currently acquired datasets for glacier monitoring.

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