[GLIMS] GLIMS book hard copy-- TOMORROW!

Jeffrey jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 19 08:54:30 MDT 2014

The author list

Jeffrey S. KargelDepartment of Hydrology & Water ResourcesUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ 85742  USAEmail(1) jeffreyskargel at hotmail.comEmail(2) kargel at hwr.arizona.eduMobile phone: 520-780-7759www.glims.org

From: jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
To: glims at nsidc.org
Subject: GLIMS book hard copy-- TOMORROW!
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 14:37:22 +0000

Dear GLIMS colleagues,This is from the editor at Springer regarding the GLIMS book: "I have just checked at the printers and they assure me that it will be off the presses tomorrow."  GLIMS book authors and those who have contributed to the online "highlights and updates" booklet (which will be made publicly available tomorrow) may choose to contact your local or other cooperating media.  The press release and online highlights and updates booklet are under media embargo until Springer and our scientific editor institutions issue a press release, at which time we hope that there will be local and national media interaction and then news stories of about glaciers and relationships to their (our) environment.  
As mentioned, all authors will have access to the e-book so long as we have the author's email address on file with Springer.  Already it is available, as authors have been finding.  The attached document will be sent to Springer this evening Pacific time zone, so if you see that an author's name/address is not on the list or is on the list incorrectly, please send the updated information to Greg Leonard (gleonard at email.arizona.edu).  Our limited quota of hard copies will be sent to all lead authors and a few others.  Please ask your libraries to order a copy from the publisher.
In the words of the Grateful Dead (an American rock band), "What a long strange trip it's been."  Glad to be here, though.
Best regards and effusive thanks,

Jeffrey S. KargelDepartment of Hydrology & Water ResourcesUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ 85742  USAEmail(1) jeffreyskargel at hotmail.comEmail(2) kargel at hwr.arizona.eduMobile phone: 520-780-7759www.glims.org 		 	   		   		 	   		  
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