Cut off attendees list?

Jeff Kargel jkargel1054 at
Tue Nov 8 21:26:04 MST 2005

Dear colleagues,

Due to the small size of our miniworkshop venue, the short duration allotted
for the meeting and limited speaking time, and the healthy response that
will fill the room a bit more than a comfortable capacity, I need to cut off
the attendees list for the workshop.  The post-workshop "extended social
activity" is still open for additional people, since we will have two
overflow bedrooms to the side.  I remind you of our New Zealand full-up
workshop in February, and then another in Cambridge next August (associated
with IGS).

The list of people for the mini-workshop now is:

Bruce Raup*
Be' Kargel (my spouse)
Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa*
Richard Armstrong.
John Dwyer*
Bob Bindschadler*
Clive Horwood (Praxis chief editor)*
Philippe Blondel (Praxis science editor)*
Andrew Fountain*
Michael Bishop*
Jack Shroder*
Leigh Stearns*
Gordon Hamilton*
Paul Geissler*
Andy Barrett
Hester Jiskoot
Rick Wessels


--Jeff Kargel 

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