Generation of glacier IDs for GLIMS: perl code

Bruce Raup braup at
Thu Jun 6 14:30:48 MDT 2002

On 2002-06-06 12:13 -0600,  Bruce Raup wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just written a short perl program to convert a list of
> longitude,latitude to GLIMS glacier IDs, and have included it below.

Okay, next time I'll sit on it for a day.  Below is the correct version,
that gets the north/south bit right.


-------------------------- cut -------------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: lonlat2glims_id,v 1.3 2002-06-06 14:28:19-06 braup Exp braup $
# Program to take a list of lon/lat values as input (filename on the
# command line or as standard input) and generate GLIMS glacier IDs,
# printed to standard output.

($progname = $0)        =~ s!^.*/!!;  # get basename of program

use Getopt::Std;

$version = '$Revision: 1.3 $';
($version) = $version =~ /^\$Revision:\s*(\d+\.\d*)/;

$usage = "$progname version $version
  $progname  -h            (prints this help message and exits)
  $progname  [-v] [lon_lat_filename]
  -v    specifies verbose mode

  If no files are specified on the command line, then
  standard input is read.

  This routine assumes all lon/lat values are within normal
  ranges (for now).

  The input file is expected to have two columns, in lon lat order.
  Comments are allowed, and are preceded by a '#' character.

$opt_h = $opt_v = '';

if (! getopts('hv') ) {
  die "$usage\n";

print "$progname version $version\n" if $opt_v;

die "$usage\n" if $opt_h;

while (<>) {
  next if /^\s*#/;      # skip comments
  next if /^\s*$/;      # skip blank lines
  s/\s*#.*$//;          # strip comments off of data lines
  ($lon,$lat) = split;
  $WE = $lon < 0 ? "W" : "E";
  $SN = $lat < 0 ? "S" : "N";
  $alon = abs($lon);
  $alat = abs($lat);
  $id = sprintf( "G_$WE%07.3f$SN%06.3f", $alon, $alat );
  $id =~ s/\.//g;
  print "$lon\t$lat\t$id\n";
-------------------------- cut -------------------------

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