nsidc.org Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on nsidc.org. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@nsidc.org.

List Description
AMSRTeam AMSR-E Product Team
AquariusTeam Aquarius Product Team
Asina Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis team
ASO ASO Product Team
cdr List for people involved in coding and decision making for the NOAA Climate Data Record project.
Cmr-ops CMR Mediator
Daac-leads DAAC Management Team
Daac-mgmt Daac-mgmt
Daac-notices DAAC Notices
Dapbot dapbot service account emails
DUE-team Data Use and Education team (DUE)
Echoprb ECHO / Reverb Problem Review Board.
Ecs-mo ECS M&O mailing list.
Ecs-sa Ecs Systems Administration Group
Ecs-status NSIDC ECS Status List
Edb-gcmd EDB Update report list for GCMD keywords
Glacierdata GLIMS/RGI glacier data submissions
GLIMS Mailing list for the GLIMS Initiative
Greenlandtoday Greenland Today Team
Hermes Hermes data ordering system
HiMAT Mailing list for the High Mountain Asia project
HMA-Internal HMA Internal mailing list
IceBridge IceBridge Product Team
Icesat-2 ICESat-2 Product Team
Ipydis IPY distribution list
Mahjongg Information exchange for the mahjongg players at NSIDC.
NNA-CO NNA Community Office
nna-co-leadership NNA Community Office
Nsidc_daacuwg NSIDC DAAC User Working Group
Nsidc_daacuwg_members [no description available]
Ops Operations Group at NSIDC
P3 Project Portfolio Pipeline
Polardata A community forum to discuss international coordination of polar data management.
Prod_changes Production Change Announcements
Projleads Product Owners List
Qgreenland-service [no description available]
Rainonsnow [no description available]
SCG Science Communications Group
Sciteam Science team mailing list
Seniormgrs Senior Managers
Service-Admin Registered address for the admin user on NSIDC's service accounts
Service-Deploy Registered address for the deployment user on NSIDC's service accounts
Sinter [no description available]
SMAPTeam SMAP Product Team
Snow-Today-Team Internal snow-today team
SnowEx [no description available]
Socialmedia [no description available]
Supervisors NSIDC supervisors group
Techwriters NSIDC Technical Writers Group
Test2019 Test2019, new mailman server
Thwaites_team thwaites_team
TSCCB Technical Services Change Control Board
Uwgcoord uwg coordination email list
v0-status V0 Status List
Writers NSIDC Writers Group

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