[GLIMS] accessing the GLIMS book electronic version

Jeffrey jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 15:03:17 MDT 2014

All:Several of you have asked about access, and I am trying to determine this myself.  The hard copies will be mailed directly to a limited number of authors when the printing is completed in less than 2 weeks.  I will have a comp quota of printed books that will cover the lead authors and some others who contributed to multiple chapters or were crucial coauthors, but not enough to cover 154 authors, unfortunately.  I am inquiring about how to access the e-book version, and whether we can get access by all authors at no cost.  My bargaining involves some arm twisting for people to do their best to convince their libraries to buy the printed copy; let's see if this works.  I would have inquired much earlier, except I didn't know there would be an e-version until just a few weeks ago, so I had not given this a lot of thought.  Also, for additional copies of the printed book, there is an author discount (30%?), and I know for sure that all the editors have this discount (others can order through us if needed), but I am trying to determine whether the same author discount applies to all 154 authors; it should in a good world.  I have noticed that usually within a short period of time (months), Amazon provides books at prices that undercut the official publisher's price even with the author discount.  Not sure if that will hold true here.
More soon, and maybe this message will stem the tide of inquiries on this obvious and important question.

Jeffrey S. KargelDepartment of Hydrology & Water ResourcesUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ 85742  USAEmail(1) jeffreyskargel at hotmail.comEmail(2) kargel at hwr.arizona.eduMobile phone: 520-780-7759www.glims.org 		 	   		  
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