[GLIMS] GLIMS Update: (1) GLIMS dinner reminder, (2) Discussion Agenda

Jeffrey jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 4 09:25:27 MST 2013

Dear GLIMS colleagues and other interested students and researchers:
1. GLIMS dinner and pre-dinner discussion venue, Tuesday
6:30-9:00 PM, Henry's Hunan Restaurant (back room)    6:30-7:00 PM
Randolph Glacier Inventory.  Drinking may commence (but please, not too
much til dinner time).    7:00-7:30 PM GLIMS discussion issues/announcements (see below)    7:30-8:30 PM Dinner.
     8:30-9:00 Continue
informal discussions    Henry's Hunan Restaurant (See attached map.)
  ‪   110 Natoma Street
     ‪San Francisco, CA 94105
     Restaurant: (415) 546-4999   Jeff Kargel: 520-780-7759      So far we still have plenty room at the back of the restaurant. It will help to       receive a notification that you plan to be there (if you have not already    indicated so).  GLIMS is not and never has been a club or closed consortium.    Please feel free to join!
2. GLIMS dinner announcement/discussion AGENDA (7-7:30 PM
     2.1. The GLIMS book now back to the publisher's copy-editor. Send a request to Greg Leonard if
you want a copy of your marked-up proof-- containing the
corrections/edits by authors and by two of the GLIMS book editors.  Jeff
Kargel and Greg Leonard have gone over every line of the proofs and
every author correction of every chapter. Otherwise, wait patiently
just a little longer and see the book in print!  1 minute.
     2.2. Formation of a GLIMS working
group on origination and propagation of errors in higher-level glacier
analysis using derivatives and higher-level image and DEM processing (glacier
surface velocity measurement, glacier frontal and margin change,
acceleration of glacier change, elevation change, change in surface properties). Purposes of the working
group: (a) share knowledge within the GLIMS community about sources of errors
and sensitivity of change assessments to errors; (b) extend the state of
the art in error propagation assessment and confidence in glacier
change analysis using same-sensor/different-times, multi-sensor, and
satellite/map combinations; (c) prepare for IPCC AR6, e.g., improve protocols
for standard GLIMS analysis and any possible Randolph Inventory-like push.
   Three subgroups: multispectral imaging, thermal imaging, and DEMs.
 Objectives for the GLIMS dinner discussion: announce the working
group, solicit feedback on objectives and organization of it, enlist
membership, get the word out.  JEFF KARGEL WILL LEAD THIS ANNOUNCEMENT AND
DISCUSSION.  9 minutes.
    2.3. Discussion of another possible GLIMS
working group on climate.  Is there a need to standardize
climate model downscaling for purposes of glacial climate modeling?
 Is there a need to establish a clearing house for meteorological AWS
and data recorder measurements being made by the GLIMS (and non-GLIMS) glacier
research community? Is there a need to establish protocols for placement of
measuring stations? Is there (or should we create) a demand for meteorological
data archival somewhere? How can met station data be used to test climate models or to constrain them directly? Is all this being done already?
 Is there an open niche for GLIMS or some other motivated small group
 9 minutes.
    2.4. Announcement: Formation of a GLIMS
Advisory Board. 1 minute.
    2.5. Push for RCs to continue
submitting analysis results to the GLIMS database. 1 minute.
    2.6. Announcement and discussion of an online
NATURE-affiliated special issue. Discuss topical scope (at least
Himalaya; but maybe worldwide?) Discuss how NOT to let this drag on for years
(the publication venue fortunately has very strict rules). Solicitation of participation. Solicitation of lead editor. 5 minutes.
    2.7. GLIMS workshop: where, when, theme?  One possibility: Stockholm, next ~June 1, optional field trip to Tarfala Station (1 day trek in, 1 day trek out, unless you charter a helicopter;plus time at the station and on ice).  Another possibility: Cordova, Alaska, with optional field trip, float plane overflight of glaciers and access to Allen Glacier.  Unless somebody comes up with a genius idea of conference money, the workshop would be self funded (you pay air fare, lodging, etc., and a share of field trip costs). 4 minutes.  
Sincerely,   Jeffrey S. KargelDepartment of Hydrology & Water ResourcesUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ 85742  USAEmail(1) jeffreyskargel at hotmail.comEmail(2) kargel at hwr.arizona.eduMobile phone: 520-780-7759


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