Graham Cogley gcogley1 at cogeco.ca
Wed Nov 27 11:14:35 MST 2013

Dear all - I sent an earlier version of the attached document to the authors of
the paper about the Randolph Glacier Inventory, and one or two others,  in
September. The idea was to suggest that, with the imminent appearance of the GLIMS
Book and (we hope) acceptance of the RGI paper, now is a good time to reflect on
the future of both datasets, separately and together. GLIMS has evolved
dramatically over its lifetime, and so has the RGI over its much shorter span.

I have not altered the original text about "GLIMS2?", but Bruce has set me
straight on one or two points and he and I have had some discussion about others.
However I have added the wish list from the conclusion of the RGI paper to
indicate the direction in which the RGI authors think it might be heading.

Because I don't know who will be at the GLIMS dinner during AGU (evening of the
Wednesday?), I am sending this to the whole GLIMS list with an invitation for
comment/discussion - not about details but rather about generalities.


J. Graham Cogley, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Geography,
Department of Geography, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA K9J 7B8.

Tel       +1 705-748-1011-x7686
Email   gcogley at trentu.ca
Web    http://www.trentu.ca/geography/glaciology

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