[GLIMS] Proof GLIMS chapters C A R E F U L L Y!

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 28 22:42:56 MDT 2013

Dear colleagues,I am just going through one of my chapter proofs.  Overall, the copy editor has done a good job. However, I have encountered an instance where a change made to the text (gray highlighted text) COMPLETELY INVERTED (180 degrees) the intended meaning conveyed by the originally submitted text, and one change (gray highlight) where the changes made nonsense out of the originally submitted sensible sentence, and one where a properly spelled word became mis-spelled.  I am not criticizing the copy editor's work, because it was mostly well done leaving me little to do but proof-read it. It's just that we need to take care.Please be sure that you proof every word, and not just the yellow highlighted text but the gray highlights where changes were made by the copy editor.  Some gray highlights are simply marking where the copy editor verified references and are not actually changes.Chapter 17, 18, and 19 proofs (maybe more) are likely to be delivered this week.--Jeff
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