Meetings: IGS meeting and GLIMS participation, Columbus, August 15-20

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at
Wed Feb 17 13:53:18 MST 2010

Dear all,
Several GLIMS people have indicated an interest in getting together in Columbus, Ohio for the IGS symposium thematically centered around Earth's disappearing ice.    Meeting dates: August 15-20, 2010.   Abstract submission deadline: April 23.   Meeting Second Circular:
I endorse this idea and encourage GLIMS participation.  I don't think we need to call a GLIMS miniworkshop in association with it; I think we are all interested in the whole meeting.  We can have plenty GLIMS+ socialization and collaboration planning time during poster sessions, lunches, dinners and after-dinner times.  (If there was popular demand in holding a dedicated half-day GLIMS working group meeting, we could do it.)
As for the Oslo Polar Science Conference, it is my understanding that there were few GLIMS submissions.  I am interested in collecting a list of GLIMS people who plan to be there.  It may be that it is not worth holding any sort of miniworkshop due to lagging interest in that meeting.  
I will proceed with plans to meet in Columbus this August, and then also in Mendoza, Argentina in about one year-- February or March 2011 was mentioned by our Argentinian colleagues.  More about Mendoza later.  I solicit indications of interest in a 3-day GIMS workshop and  additional optional glacier trekking in Argentina.
--Jeff Kargel  		 	   		  
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