Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves

Shackleton Ice Shelf

Shackleton locator map

Location Map: MODIS image from 26 February 2003, 02:50

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Shackleton MODIS Images: 

Projection Information: 14 May 2009 - Present
Projection: Polar Stereographic
Datum: WGS84
Standard Parallel: -71.0
Corner Coordinates:
    UL: 63.999957S 94.002482E
    LL: 67.733708S 94.696125E
    UR: 63.216853S 104.67194E
    LR: 66.808003S 107.08664E
Number of Rows (MODIS): 1700
Number of Columns (MODIS): 2200
Meters per Pixel (MODIS): 250

Projection Information: 29 December 2002 - 13 May 2009
Projection: Polar Stereographic
Datum: WGS84
Standard Parallel: -71.0
Corner Coordinates:
    UL: 63.999957S 94.002482E
    LL: 67.733708S 94.696125E
    UR: 63.517233S 101.830955E
    LR: 67.161871S 103.816477E
Number of Rows (MODIS): 1700
Number of Columns (MODIS): 1600
Meters per Pixel (MODIS): 250